Land Clearing
Land Clearing is the process of removing trees, stumps, brush, stones and other obstacle from an area as required to increase the size of the crop producing land base of an exsting farm or to provide land for a new farm operation.
Top Soil
Top Soil is the process of removing nutrient-rich top layer using bulldozer, excavator and dump truck, to be transported and stored separately on a designed location. Later, topsoil should be returned to the mine pit for future reclamation.
Drilling is a process of construction of mining installation of cylindrical shape, such as a hole, blasthole, or mine shaft, by crushing the rock at the mine face.
Blasting is the process of fracturing material by the use of a calculated amount of explosive so that a predetermined volume of material is broken.
Overburden Removal
Overburden Removal is the removal of Overburden from the Mine and includes the loading and hauling of same from the Work Site to a Dump Area and the dumping of Overburden at a Dump Area.
Overburden Dumping
Overburden Dumping is formed by casting the waste material and dumping it in nearby area. The dump so formed is known as mine waste dump.
Coal Getting
Coal Getting is the process of digging and loading coal from the deposit area using excavator and dump truck.
Rom Of Coal
Rom Of Coal is the coal delivered from the mine that reports to the coal preparation plant is called run-of-mine, or ROM, coal. This is the raw material for the CPP (Coal Preparation Plant), and consists of coal, rocks, middlings, minerals and contamination.
Coal Hauling
Coal Hauling is the process of transporting the extracted coal deposit to stockpile or temporary storage location.
Coal Barging
Coal Barging is the process of loading the coal using wheel loader or excavator to dump truck, to be transported from temporary stockpile location to a new stockpile facility near seaport and to be further loaded onto dry bulk cargo barge using conveyor.
Vegetation is growth process of a plants and trees collectively.
Rehabilitation is the act of restoring something to its original state. In mining industry, process of rehabilitation through replanting of the forest that had once been cleared for use as mining activities.